Friday, June 18, 2010


Prior to this project, we did not have an actual bumper on the 109. Instead, we had a rover brush bar--which we discovered is like a rain stick because when we removed it last October, it was so rusty on the inside that when you tilted it, it sounded like rain.

Among the many things Gord'n picked on us about was the lack of a proper bumper. I kept asking him what was the rush? The 109 has been in 1000 pieces for several months with no completion date in sight, so why rush out to buy a bumper?

Well, a couple of weeks ago, I thought I saw light at the end of the tunnel and that happened to coincide with a listing on eBay for a custom bumper that was produced by a shop down in Olympia, WA. Since this is my wife's Rover, I had to get her approval--she liked it. We won the auction and this is what we got:

It weighs about 130lbs!

It was painted but since we were about to send our bulkhead etc to the galvanizer (only 5 months after we got all of that back from the chemical stripper...) I spent a couple of days trying to strip off all the paint. I used the orange/citrus stripper. It was about 60% effective. Lots of scraping and wire brushing later, and it still had too much paint on it. So we got it sandblasted.

Here is the finished product, back from the galvanizer and installed on the 109:

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