Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Exmoor Middle Row Seat Surprises

First, the worst surprise--three seats were damaged. One with a razor cut and two with abraded or popped seams.

Second, the middle row seat bottoms needed woodserts to be bolted to the frames. We tried lag bolts first on one seat, but they just pulled out.

Third, the middle row seatbacks were at an odd/uncomfortable angle--vertical to slightly forward. In the picture below, the near and middle seat backs show how they sit upright. The far seat back is resting on the "Oh Sh*t" bar (what we call the combo front seat back rest bar and middle row grab bar).

This shot shows how close the new seat bottom and back sit to the rear 3 man bench seat--about 1/4 inch gap.

This shot shows how far the seat back is leaning forward at its most upright position--see how the line of the seatback is not parallel to the vertical line on the 3 man bench seat?

The solution was to cut off the tabs shown on the far left and far right in the picture below and reposition them lower and at a different angle.

Here is the result. Now all three seatbacks are slightly reclined. We may end up swapping the 3 man bench seats in the rear for 2 man or individual jump seats and converting the middle row to be able to fully recline.

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