Monday, December 13, 2010

Seattle Snow Run pictures

This past Saturday, December 11, 2010, was the Pacific Coast Rover Club "Snow Run." If I counted right, we had 1 Defender 90, 4 Discovery's, 4 Range Rovers, 3 Series II 88s, 1 Series 1 107 and our Series III 109. We went up Beckler Road off Highway 2, just west of Steven's Pass.

As the newbie in the group, I did my duty and got stuck in the ditch giving several dedicated people the chance to try out various recovery techniques and all their fancy recovery gear. We tried snatching the 109 backwards, pulling it sideways and pulling it forwards with both a Discovery and a Range Rover linked together. All we succeeded in doing was digging the ditch a little deeper. Finally, after about an hour, the Discovery just winched us out.

Once we were freed from the ditch we drove another ten minutes and caught up with the rest of the club, sitting around at a roaring campfire in the falling snow.

Around 3pm we headed back down the mountain and back home where we hosted the party/dinner.

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