Friday, November 6, 2009

The Plan

Subject to revision, and Shipfitter's Disease, here is the plan:

1. Remove our bulkhead, tunnel cover, core support, new T-posts and side steps in order to take them to be stripped chemically at American Metal Cleaning in Portland, Oregon.
2. While those parts are being stripped, do the following:
(a) build up our new front military axle using a Range Rover 3.54 diff and the good swivels/hubs that came with the Sonoma 109;
(b) build up the replacement Salisbury rear axle with a 3.54 diff;
(c) replace current left hand drive front crossmember on the galvanized chassis with a right hand drive crossmember ordered from Richards Chassis in England;
(d) install the new axles and leaf springs on the galvanized chassis;
(e) run a new wiring harness and sheathed 7 strand wire through the galvanized chassis.
3. When the part come back from the stripper, begin to take apart our 109. It will have to be completely disassembled because we are replacing the T-posts.
4. Replace both footwells and repair some rust damage to the A-pillars on the bulkhead.
5. Send all the parts from #1 to be galvanized.
6. Move the Chevy 250 and drivetrain over to the galvanized chassis.
7. When the parts come back from the galvanizers, reassemble

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