Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Sonoma 109

Here are some shots of the Sonoma 109 and that nice, new, unused galvanized chassis!

Once again, we had to get a 109 transported. Because we had friends near Sonoma, my wife was going to drive down, visit them and then trailer the 109 back home. When we started adding everything up, it was going to cost around $900 plus her time to do it that way. So, we called Kathy at Phoenix Auto Transport ( Kathy did a little research and said she was confident we could get it moved for around $600. We posted it at $500 for two days and then raised it to $550. Within a day, we had 4 different truckers asking to pick it up.
The first trucker did not have a full size trailer and when he showed up, we learned that the 109 was about 6 inches too long meaning that he could not lower the upper deck on his trailer without crushing the Rover. So, no deal there. The other two companies backed out when we asked them to confirm their trailers would fit the 109 safely. They said they just did not want to risk driving out to pick it up only to find out it will not fit.
The fourth company, however, had a full size rig and knew they could transport it. I dealt with Vasily from Kondratev Trucking, Inc. in Auburn, Washington. Even though the 109 did not run (the Chevy 292 was sitting in the rear tub) and did not have brakes, Vasily loaded it without a problem early one Saturday morning. He delivered it to us the following Monday just after noon. I don't plan on shipping any more cars, but if I do, I will go straight to Kathy at Phoenix and ask for Vasily at Kondratev.

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