Saturday, November 28, 2009

Speedbump # 1 Solved!

In an earlier post, I described two speedbumps our project had hit. The first one involved the incompatability of the 6 cylinder Scotty's Adaptor with the new R380 transmission. Both Gord'n and I had been searching for either another 4 cylinder adaptor for sale (none were found) or a local machine shop that either had a large enough lathe or a milling machine to enlarge the inner diameter to accomodate the R380 bellhousing. With the Thanksgiving holiday coming up, we weren't having any luck finding a shop that was open, much less one that could handle this job.

Then I got a cryptic email from Gord'n indicating he had found a solution right there in is own shop. I called him to get more information and here was his solution: weld a cutting bit onto a piece of strap steel long enough to span two of the flywheel's clutch bolt holes. With the adaptor securely bolted back on to the Chevy enging, bolt the bit/strap steel to the flywheel and use the starter motor to turn the flywheel. Based on the assumption that the original adaptor was properly centered when it was first installed, this would result in a properly centered milling of the excess aluminum. And guess what, inside of 30 minutes, Gord'ns invention was put to the test and it worked!! The new R380 bellhousing fit snugly into the newly milled adaptor!

Another 30 minutes or so later -- all the new stud holes for the 4 cylinder bellhousing were drilled and the transmission was installed! Plus, the transfer case was temporarily reinstalled and it looks like the engine will only need to move forward about 2 inches. This could mean that Speedbump #2 disappears!

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